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April 16, 2021 Gunnedah Shire Council this week welcomed representatives from the High Commission of Tonga, who met with local businesses to discuss employment opportunities. The Polynesian Kingdom of Tonga lies significantly more than a cooee away from the landlocked north-western NSW Shire of Gunnedah, but talks between representatives from the two locations have uncovered opportunities the two could realise together. Mayor of Gunnedah Shire Cr Jamie Chaffey said there is a strong alignment of…
April 14, 2021 Gunnedah Shire Council is inviting the local community, housing providers, business and industry representatives to have their say in the development of a new Gunnedah Shire Local Housing Strategy.  The wide ranging strategy will identify key priorities, objectives and initiatives for the delivery of affordable housing within the Gunnedah Shire. Gunnedah Shire Council Director of Planning and Environmental Services Andrew Johns said the Local Housing Strategy will inform strategic planning for residential…
April 14, 2021 Miniature books recording people’s artworks and thoughts during the very different year of 2020 are about to go on display at Gunnedah Shire Library. The Panorama Project will open in Gunnedah on Monday, April 19 as part of a regional tour, and includes more than 180 sketchbooks, some contributed by Gunnedah Shire residents. Gunnedah Shire Librarian Christiane Birkett said the exciting project was an Arts North West initiative. “We made the Panorama…
April 14, 2021 Gunnedah Shire Council is conducting a short public survey to ensure our parks, sports grounds and open spaces meet our community's needs. Survey feedback will assist in developing a Plan of Management for public open spaces. The Plan of Management will guide the use and management of community and Crown land in Council ownership or care and control. Community land and Crown land comprise a wide variety of properties including our iconic parks,…
April 7, 2021 The 2021 program for Youth Week in Gunnedah has it all, from comedy to cricket, and from debating to a mental health workshop. NSW Youth Week 2021 is April 16 to 24 and is an opportunity for young people to share ideas, attend events, have their voices heard, showcase their talents, celebrate their contribution to the community, and have fun. Gunnedah Shire Council Manager Customer and Community Relation Charlotte Hoddle said Gunnedah’s…
Gunnedah Shire Council is seeking quotations from suitably qualified and licenced company to renew and deliver a focused document that provides staff with a clear, measurable and achievable deliverables for a Destination Management Plan and Action Plan 2021 – 2025. The strategy should seek to identify the focus areas and products for tourism in Gunnedah Shire to grow visitors numbers and maximise visitor spend. Quotation submissions will be received until 5pm, Friday April 23. Quotation…
March 29, 2021 It was the year 2001 and the first Harry Potter movie – Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – along with Shrek and Ocean’s Eleven made their debut. It was also the year going to the cinema in Gunnedah as we know it became a reality, with The Civic opening its big screen on March 31, 2001 – 20 years ago this Wednesday. Gunnedah Shire Council Cultural Precinct Team Leader Lauren Mackley…
March 25, 2021 A new exhibition exploring the impact of drought on Australian landscapes will open at the Bicentennial Creative Arts Gallery on April 23. Unquestionably Dry is an exhibition by Gus Armstrong, a regional contemporary photographic artist. Armstrong currently resides on his farm in Kandos, New South Wales, the site of his photographic and music studios and artists residency. Gunnedah Cultural Precinct Team Leader Lauren Mackley said she expects the exhibition will resonate with…
March 24, 2021 Gunnedah Shire Council’s Arts and Cultural Grants Funding Program is now open. Gunnedah Mayor Jamie Chaffey said Gunnedah Shire Council was one of the few councils in NSW that provided funding for arts and cultural programs, projects and events. “Encouraging a vibrant and colourful cultural sector in our community helps add to the great lifestyle we have in Gunnedah Shire,” Cr Chaffey said. “The aim of this funding program is to allow…
March 19, 2021 Following the postponement of the inaugural Harvest Gunnedah festival due to COVID-19, all systems are go for the 2021 spring event and stallholders are invited to join the festivities. On Saturday, October 2 the Gunnedah Riverside Racecourse will come alive for a feast for the senses, with attendee’s invited to eat, discover and celebrate Gunnedah. The event will feature street food stalls, a produce market, live music and entertainment, children’s entertainment, demonstrations…