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Surveys & Polls

Gunnedah Memorial Park Cemetery Master Plan

Gunnedah Shire Council is seeking community feedback on its plans for future development of the Gunnedah Memorial Park Cemetery. Council is working with consultants from Locale Consulting to develop a masterplan of the whole cemetery site, which includes expansion opportunities on undeveloped land on the southern side of the site. Two draft concept plans have been presented and the local community is now invited to consider the options and provide feedback through a survey. Feedback must be submitted by 28 June 2024. At the conclusion of this consultation period a Final Masterplan will be drawn up and placed on public exhibition for further comment.

>> Click here to complete the survey <<

Online surveys allow us to have quick access to community opinion and views. It allows the us to improve services and gauge residents feedback on how we are doing.

Current surveys and polls are listed below. If there are no items listed below we currently have no surveys and/or polls available.