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Council Information

Council Information

Tenders, Quotations and Expressions of Interest

Most Requests for Tenders (RFT’S), Requests for Quotations (RFQ’s) and Expressions of Interest (EOI’s) are listed on Council’s e-tendering website. For a listing of Tenders Received please click here.
Click here to view a list of Currently Open Tenders, Quotations and Expressions of Interest or visit the TenderLink website.

You can view Gunnedah Shire Councils Purchasing Terms and Conditions below.

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Gunnedah Shire Council Purchasing Terms and Conditions.pdf
Popular 55.96 KB

Who can submit a Tender, Quotation or EOI?
Gunnedah Shire Council invites any interested business to bid for the supply of goods, materials and/or services contained in the Tenders, RFQ or EOI advertised.

Using the e-tendering website
Council’s e-tendering website provides Council suppliers, contractors and other interested businesses easy access to a range of Tendering, RFQs and EOIs opportunities.
Go to 

This website allows businesses to:

  1. Register their details and establish profiles to automatically receive relevant Tenders, RFQs and EOIs as they become available.
  2. View tenders online and/or receive them via email notification.
  3. Download documentation directly from the website.
  4. Post requests for further information or seek clarification on aspects of a tender directly to the website and receive replies back via the website.
  5. Receive addendums and other information issued on current tenders.
  6. Respond to tenders via the Electronic Tender Box, rather than having to post or deliver responses to Council’s Office. (Responses can still be posted or delivered if preferred.)

Tender deposit payments
Where a tender deposit is required as part of the tender submission, the amount and how to pay will be specified in the Conditions of Tendering section of the tender.

Contracts Register
You can view Gunnedah Shire Council's contracts register for contracts over $150,000 below.


Name Date added
Contracts Register as at 18 December 2024.pdf
520.47 KB

              Currently Open Tenders, Quotations & Expressions of Interest

Below is a listing of all currently open Tenders, Quotations and Expressions of Interest. To download and view any of the files, please click their respective links.

              Tenders Received

Below is a listing of all of the recently closed Tenders that Gunnedah Shire Council has received. To download and view any of the files, please click their respective links.

Gunnedah Shire Council Vendorpanel

Gunnedah Shire Council has more opportunities to work with local businesses following the introduction of an innovative digital marketplace. VendorPanel is a purchasing and procurement platform that allows local businesses to register for a broad range of Council tenders.

VendorPanel Marketplace then uses geolocation to help Council staff pinpoint businesses that Council can collaborate with. The platform is free and available to all suppliers with an Australian business number and public liability insurance. Once registered, suppliers can receive invitations to quote on work across dozens of categories.

The platform provides suppliers with direct access to procurement opportunities and suppliers can elect to receive SMS or email notifications for upcoming tenders. The project has been developed in collaboration with Namoi Unlimited, a joint organisation of Councils across the Namoi region. Once established, Vendor Panel will provide Gunnedah Shire businesses further opportunity to compete for tenders in neighbouring areas.

Local businesses ready to sign up for VendorPanel can visit Those with further queries can also contact Council through