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22 March, 2024 Gunnedah Shire Council’s Community Safety Team will visit shire villages and localities to provide responsible pet ownership advice during the next few months. Through the Paws Up program, Compliance Officers will offer free checks on microchipped animals to ensure the Companion Animal Register is updated, process companion animal registrations and identify companion animals though microchipping. Fees and charges may apply for applicable services such as registration and identification. Manager Community Safety Wade…
21 March, 2024 The Gunnedah Shire Local Housing Strategy has been updated to ensure it aligns with the amended New England North West Regional Plan 2041, and is now on public exhibition. Gunnedah Shire Mayor Jamie Chaffey said the NSW Government, in consultation with Councils in the region, had conducted a review of its original plan, to consider some of the key land use challenges and opportunities of the past five years. “As a result,…
March 21, 2024 New faces for working groups Gunnedah Shire Council has endorsed the nominations of three community members for Council working groups at the March Ordinary Council Meeting held at Piallaway Hall this week. Matthew White will be a community representative (TAFE) on the Economy & Growth Working Group, while Gunnedah’s Citizen of the Year Marie Hobson and Young Citizen of the Year Lewis Donaldson will be community representatives on the Australia Day Working…
7 March, 2024 The hilarious cooking show comedy Kitchen Witches is coming to The Civic on Saturday, March 23. Gunnedah locals feature in the production with tickets to a one-off show now on sale. Directed by Jenny Sullivan and presented by the Tamworth Dramatic Society, Kitchen Witches involves two mature age cable-TV cooking hostesses, Isobel Lomax and Dolly Biddle, who have despised each other for more than 30 years. Circumstances bring the pair together in…
March 6, 2024 The very successful Gunnedah Youth Expo will return on Thursday, April 11 as part of Youth Week 2024, and Gunnedah Shire Council is calling on businesses, services and organisations to be part of the event. The Gunnedah Youth Expo, a Gunnedah Shire Council and NSW Youth Week event, has attracted hundreds of young people over the past few years to find out more about their choices for the future. Gunnedah Shire Council…
March 6, 2024 Fluoride will be introduced to Gunnedah Shire’s town water supply on Monday, as recommended by New South Wales Health as a safe and effective way to help prevent tooth decay in the community. Gunnedah Shire’s new water treatment plant has been built to allow centralised treatment of town water for the first time, and to allow fluoridation of the water. The introduction follows an extensive testing and training process to meet NSW…
29 February, 2024 Applications for grants through the Gunnedah Shire Council Sister Cities Program have opened for initiatives that will bring us closer to our Sister Cities. Gunnedah Shire has four Sister City partnerships: • Kolomotu’a in the Kingdom of Tonga• Lane Cove, NSW• The Northern Beaches Council, NSW• Yinzhou District of Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China. Mayor and Chair of the Sister Cities and Friendly Relationships Working Group Jamie Chaffey said Gunnedah Shire’s Sister City…
29 February 2024 We are aware that people have been removing road closure signs from Hunts Road. We fully understand people’s frustration with the closure of Hunts Road between Bushs Lane and Reading Road. The road has been closed since November 2022 when flooding caused significant damage. Following the floods, Council identified Hunts Road as one of 51 major Gunnedah Shire sites in need of approval through the NSW Government’s Disaster Recovery Funding, and sent…
28 February 2024

2024 Weeks of Speed

28 February, 2024 Gunnedah Shire Council is proud to support Weeks of Speed which begins on Saturday March 2. The popular motorsport festival during the month of March is run by representatives of volunteer groups who utilise Council and commercial facilities to stage various activities including drag races, a hot rod display, motorkhana, whip cracking titles and a country music muster. Mayor Jamie Chaffey encouraged the community to get behind this annual event and wished…
27 February 2024 Council supports Namoi Unlimited move Gunnedah Shire Council this week resolved to support the Board of Namoi Unlimited (Namoi Joint Organisation) in its move to dissolve the organisation. The board advised the best option for the region was for each of the member Councils to commit to an informal alliance that would deliver the same opportunities to collaborate and advocate on regional issues. The current members of the Namoi Joint Organisation are…