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18 December 2024 Gunnedah Shire Council is looking for interested community representatives aged 18 and over to contribute to established Working Groups. These groups allow Councillors, staff, and community to collaborate and focus on specific priorities and objectives. Members are sought for: The Access Working Group - Meets quarterly to support the ongoing implementation of Council’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan. The Crime Prevention Working Group - Meets bi-monthly to improve the safety amenity of the…
17 December 2024 Applications for the Gunnedah Community Scholarship Fund will close on January 8, and young people are reminded to apply before the deadline. The Gunnedah Community Scholarship Fund has awarded close to 500 scholarships since it began more than 20 years ago, and has seen local young people go off to a huge range of studies and careers. The fund is a partnership between business, the local community and Gunnedah Shire Council that…
16 December 2024 Summer is here and so is the Summer School Holiday Program with activities running from 6 January through to 30 January. There is something for arty kids, sporty kids, little kids and kids who love to bake in this Gunnedah Shire Council program. Gunnedah Shire Library will hold its well-loved Book Buddies and Crafty Creations sessions. Book Buddies is a great free storytime and craft session for 0-7 year-olds, while Crafty Creations…
12 December 2024 Gunnedah Shire Council has released a Concept Design for a new Gunnedah Youth Space that would not only deliver new skate park facilities, but would take a staged approach to an exciting new precinct. One of the key recommendations of the Gunnedah Shire Open Space Strategy 2022-2032 was to investigate upgrades to the popular existing Gunnedah Skate Park on the corner of View Street and Wandobah Road. The Gunnedah Youth Space Draft…
12 December, 2024 Council considers freezing Waste Management and Sewerage Charges Gunnedah Shire Council this week voted to freeze increases to Waste Management and Sewerage annual charges during the proposed Special Rate Variation (SRV) implementation period, subject to the SRV being approved by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal and those service areas maintaining a financial sustainable outlook. Councillors made the decision in a move towards limiting the increases in costs to ratepayers should the…
Gunnedah Shire Council is looking for interested community representatives aged 18 and over to contribute to the following Working Groups. These groups allow Councillors, staff and community to collaborate and focus on specific priorities and objectives. Members are sought for: The Access Working Group Meets quarterly to support the ongoing implementation of Council’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan. The Crime Prevention Working Group Meets bi-monthly to improve the safety amenity of the Shire and demonstrate a…
11 December, 2024 The Gunnedah Shire Library has been recognised with two statewide awards. This month, Librarian Christiane Birkett was announced as the winner of the inaugural NSW Library & Information Excellence Award by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). The award acknowledges dedication, innovation, and excellence in the library and information sector, and celebrates the achievements of those who have made a significant impact. Judges noted the task was made more difficult by…
05 December 2024

Indoor Pool Closure

5 December 2024  At its November Ordinary Meeting the Gunnedah Shire Council resolved to award Rice Constructions the contract for the Gunnedah Indoor Pool Ceiling Replacement and Associated Works Project. These works will mean that the indoor heated swimming pool will be CLOSED from January 13, 2025, and re-open in early March 2025. These works will include full replacement of the indoor pool ceiling, replacement of the front roof and gutters and the installation of…
4 December, 2024 Gunnedah Shire Council’s administration building will be closed for the Christmas-New Year period from Friday, 20 December at 12pm and will reopen on Monday, 6 January at 9am. GoCo and the Gunnedah Shire Library will also be closed during this time (the Library will open at the regular time of 9.30am on 6 January). Your general waste, recycling and green waste pick-up days will remain the same over Christmas and New Year.…
4 December, 2024 The Gunnedah Shire Council Community Safety Team has issued a local resident with a $1000 fine for illegal dumping. Residents notified Council that they had witnessed two men in a small four-wheel drive vehicle dumping a lounge suite on a Gunnedah footpath outside a vacant lot at about 8am yesterday. The vehicle they were driving was described as an early model Nissan X-trail, brown or tan in colour and towing a box…