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4 July, 2019 It’s time to turn a new page in creativity in Gunnedah and join in The Gallery with the Most Stories Exhibition as the Gunnedah Bicentennial Creative Arts Gallery celebrates Literacy and Numeracy Week 2019. This creative new Gunnedah Bicentennial Creative Arts Gallery exhibition invites artists, hobbyists, local schools, authors, writers and community groups to make alterations to a book, redefine pages, create books and zines and explore the creativity of literacy. “We…
16 July 2019 Widespread drought conditions continue to punish rural and regional communities across NSW including Gunnedah. Like those on the land, small businesses are feeling the impact. The Minister for Finance and Small Business, the Hon. Damien Tudehope and the NSW Small Business Commissioner Robyn Hobbs and their team will be visiting Gunnedah on Wednesday 24 July to hear first-hand how drought is impacting our community and interested businesses are invited to a Business…
18 July 2019 A new major festival will be added to the shire’s calendar for the first time next year after Gunnedah Shire Council and the Gunnedah Jockey Club agreed to join forces for the Gunnedah Hay and Harvest Festival. Councillors voted at the July meeting yesterday to endorse a request by the Gunnedah Jockey Club to combine plans for a new family event with the Hay and Harvest Festival. It is hoped the festival,…
18 July, 2019 Gunnedah is on the brink of the creation of a group to support new migrants to the shire and develop the multicultural appeal of Gunnedah. Gunnedah Shire Councillors voted yesterday to hold an event to promote a new group called Multicultural Gunnedah. Mayor Jamie Chaffey said the event would include an invitation to the man behind the successful Multicultural Tamworth group, Eddie Whitham, to be a guest speaker. “Eddie Whitham recently spoke…
16 July, 2019 Taking care of the waste for a Shire of more than 12,000 people requires careful management, but the Shire becomes cleaner and greener if residents follow a few simple guidelines. Gunnedah Shire Council’s Manager of Waste Sheridan Cameron said those residents living in areas with kerbside bin collection could get confused about exactly what goes into each bin, particularly as services and requirements differ from Council to Council. “There are some factsheets…
10 July 2019 Businesses in Gunnedah that are feeling the heat during the drought are being asked to help Gunnedah Shire Council put together a complete picture of the impact for the NSW Government. The NSW Minister for Finance and Small Business Damien Tudehope and NSW Small Business Commissioner Robyn Hobbs are planning to visit Gunnedah in late July as part of a tour of the region. Mr Tudehope and Ms Hobbs are bringing a…
4 July, 2019 Gunnedah Shire Council has voted to accept an Expression of Interest and enter into negotiations with Far North Queensland tourism company the Woodward Family CaPTA Group to operate a new Gunnedah Koala Park and hospital. The CaPTA Group currently owns and operates a number of internationally acclaimed wildlife and conservation-based tourism attractions in Cairns and Port Douglas, including Rainforestation Nature Park, the Australian Butterfly Sanctuary, Wildlife Habitat Port Douglas, Cairns ZOOM and…
4 July, 2019 Gunnedah Shire Council has announced a contractor for construction of the Rainbow Serpent water feature to be located outside the Civic Centre in Chandos Street. Gunnedah Shire Mayor Jamie Chaffey said Australian company Waterforms International would be appointed to bring the $274,258 water feature to life. “This project has been more than a decade in the making, and has involved consultation and design input from local Indigenous and arts groups,” Cr Chaffey…
2 July, 2019 It’s time to repackage your old packaging into art for the 2019 Waste Into Art Competition. Gunnedah Shire Council is calling on students, artists and collectives to get creative and come up with something amazing for this year’s competition which is held in partnership with Northern Inland Regional Waste to promote the message to reduce, re-use or recycle waste. The theme for 2019 is “Packaging Repackaged”, providing an opportunity to use everyday…
26 June, 2019 Gunnedah Shire Council is using a new road solution as part of the new Barber and Chandos streets roundabout. Gunnedah Shire Council Works Manager Richard Baxter said rubber kerbing had been installed at the roundabout as part of traffic safety measures. “This is a first for Gunnedah,” Mr Baxter said. “Rubber kerbing is a cleaner and greener traffic solution that is made from recycled materials and can be removed if necessary. “Unlike…