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February 9, 2022 A beautiful collection of Gunnedah history featuring black and white photographs of iconic homes and landmarks is now on exhibition at the Gunnedah Bicentennial Creative Arts Gallery. A Photographic Collection of Gunnedah Heritage features photographs taken by the Gunnedah Camera Club in 2006. Gunnedah Camera Club members Grant Chambers, Thomas Rosenzweig, Catherine Chaseling, Judy Swain, Helen Patrick, Shane Brady, David Alderdice and Barry Geraghty photographed, developed and framed the photographs of six…
The Gunnybalds are returning to Gunnedah this year, and the call is out to artists to start creating their masterpiece of a local person. The Gunnybalds – our tribute to the famous Archibald Prize for portraiture – will be an exhibition of artworks celebrating people from Gunnedah Shire Gunnedah Shire Council Cultural Precinct Team Leader Jacinta Cipolla urged both established and emerging artists and even absolute beginners to have a go at capturing the spirit…
January 27, 2022 As Gunnedah reflected, respected and celebrated with the rest of the nation on Australia Day yesterday, we also welcomed our five newest Australian citizens. Under the gums of Anzac Park, Brian Goldrick (originally from Ireland), Orla Lyons-McKenna (originally from Ireland) and Alan, Cynthia and their daughter Shania Hobbs (originally from New Zealand and the Philippines) officially became citizens of Australia. The ceremony was held as part of the full day of events…
January 27, 2022 Gunnedah Shire Council is calling for interested community members to nominate for one of five positions on a working group to guide the delivery of inclusion initiatives. Acting Director Planning and Environmental Services Sheridan Cameron said the Access Working Group aimed to identify and prioritise options for improvement to access in public areas of the Gunnedah Shire and community facilities owned and managed by Council. “The working group supports the ongoing implementation…
January 26, 2022 Eleven Gunnedah Shire citizens and organisations have been recognised in the 2022 Gunnedah Shire Australia Day Awards. Deputy Mayor and Chairman of the Australia Day Committee Cr Rob Hooke said the annual Australia Day Awards Dinner paid tribute to those who went above and beyond in the community. “The Gunnedah Australia Day Awards Dinner is held on the eve of Australia Day, and is a wonderful way to kick off the events,”…
Now that the Higher School Certificate marks are out, young people will be now finalising their options for further learning in this year and still have time to apply for the 2022 Gunnedah Community Scholarship Fund. Many of our local students have benefited from the Gunnedah Community Scholarship Fund with some of the previous recipients have entered the workforce and are filling skilled roles in Gunnedah and giving back to our community. The Community Scholarship…
January 19, 2022 UPDATE: The Raft & Craft Race has been cancelled following a safety inspection of the river. Break out the zinc cream, prepare for a sausage sandwich brekky and get your paddles in order – Australia Day is on its way to Gunnedah! Our celebrations rival anywhere in this wide brown land, with utes draped in the Aussie flag, new citizens taking the oath and a bonza barbie by the pool. Gunnedah Shire…
January 18, 2021 As Gunnedah welcomes in a new team of Councillors, Gunnedah Shire Council’s End of Term Report for the past five years shows this term will build on very solid foundations. “This has been an unprecedented term in many respects, not the least of which has included the challenges of a record drought and the COVID-19 pandemic, along with the opportunities presented by economic stimulus through local government by the State and Federal…
January 11, 2022 Gunnedah Shire Council has elected a Mayor and Deputy Mayor at the first meeting of the newly elected Council. Cr Jamie Chaffey has been elected unopposed as the Mayor of Gunnedah Shire Council and Cr Robert Hooke has been elected as the Deputy Mayor. The positions are decided through a ballot of the elected members. Cr Jamie Chaffey, who has been the Gunnedah Shire Mayor for the past five years, said he…
November 4, 2021 Gunnedah Shire’s Australia Day Working Group is calling on the community to nominate outstanding residents and organisations for the annual Australia Day Awards. The awards recognise and honour individuals and groups in the Gunnedah community who have worked tirelessly to shape and enrich the Shire. Gunnedah Shire Council Director of Corporate and Community Services Colin Formann said each year the Australia Day Awards celebrate the service and contributions of some of Gunnedah’s…