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Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson today announced the NSW Government will contribute $13,681 towards important upgrades at Gunnedah Showground. The funding is part of the NSW Government’s 2017-18 Public Reserves Management Fund program. Mr Anderson said the funding will assist Gunnedah Shire Council to install electrical infrastructure to address power supply and work health safety issues. “State-owned public reserves play an important role in our communities and the NSW Government is committed to ensuring these…
Gunnedah’s premier event, 2017 AgQuip, attracted record exhibitors and was a huge economic boost for the region. The local community has watched AgQuip grow from humble beginnings on Gunnedah’s Riverside Racecourse in 1973 to the major showcase of agricultural equipment, lifestyle and innovation that it is today. With agriculture one of the main industries in the Gunnedah region, AgQuip is a fantastic opportunity to showcase to visitors what the area has to offer. “AgQuip is…
Want to be a part of Australia’s biggest free festival of garage sales? Gunnedah Shire Council's Garage Sale is a community initiative ran in conjunction with the National Garage Sale Trail to promote waste management and recycling. Now is the time to start thinking about gathering those unwanted items! It will be held on Saturday, 21 October at the Gunnedah Showground from 9am to 2pm. This event is truly the way to find the treasure…
Gunnedah Shire Council is proud to present A Midsummer Night’s Dream by the Melbourne City Ballet. The Melbourne City Ballet is performing a provocative interpretation of Shakespeare's most romantic and mischievous play 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. Sixteen amazingly elegant performers depict the magical tale of lovers whose lives are manipulated by fairies.“We are proud to provide the Gunnedah community with such a fantastic cultural opportunity, right here on the Gunnedah stage,” Arts and Cultural Officer…
The Alannah and Madeline Foundation and the Telstra Foundation have acknowledged Gunnedah Shire Council as an eSmart Library Service/ Network, recognising it is equipped to support its customers to use technology in a smart, safe and responsible way. eSmart Libraries is one of the most significant community cyber safety programs ever undertaken in Australia, with over one-third of all libraries in Australia currently involved in the program. “Council is excited and proud to be an…
Gunnedah Shire Council is pleased to announce the roll out of the Gunnedah Vibrant Precincts Project over the coming weeks. The Gunnedah Vibrant Precinct Project was formed with calls on the community to collaborate in projects of activation, and street art and murals to bring vibrancy, action and creativity into Gunnedah’s CBD. Gunnedah Shire Council was one of 20 Local Government Areas to receive funding from the NSW Department of Industry as part of the…
Working together with the NSW Government, Gunnedah Shire Council, together with Liverpool Plains and Tamworth Regional Councils, are developing a Regional Economic Development Strategy (REDS) over the coming months. As part of this important initiative, there will be a major regional consultation workshop for community members, local industry and business groups. The consultation workshop will be held on Wednesday, 30 August 2017 in the Tony Caine Room at the Quirindi RSL, 86-88 Station St, Quirindi…
Gunnedah Shire Council resolved at last night’s Ordinary Meeting to proceed to apply for state funding for the establishment of a world-class Koala Park and Education Centre in Gunnedah. Council was shortlisted after providing an Expression of Interest for funding from the NSW Government’s Rebuilding NSW Program for the establishment of the park and was encouraged to apply for the grant. The Program’s Regional Growth – Environment and Tourism Fund aims to increase tourism visitation…
At last night’s Ordinary Meeting, Gunnedah Shire Council appointed Bathurst-based construction company Hines Constructions to undertake the multi-million dollar upgrade works at the Gunnedah Memorial Pool Complex. The project, which has been four years in planning, will see a new 50 metre outdoor pool, Kids Wet Play Area and new Pavilion established. As part of the works, a new water filtration system will be installed to ensure all pools in the complex meet current sanitation…
The NSW Government is making significant investment in regional NSW, including $1.3 billion funding commitment in the 2017-18 Budget. To ensure that this investment is successful in growing business confidence, creating and encouraging business investment, maximising the potential for jobs growth and securing a strong future for our region, the NSW government, through the Centre for Economic and Regional Development (CERD), is working with our local councils to develop Regional Economic Development Strategies (REDS) for…