Under the NSW Disability Inclusion Act 2014, all Councils are required to have a four-year Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) in place to demonstrate how they will ensure that the services they provide are available to people with disability.
In August 2024, the Final Gunnedah Shire DisABILITY Inclusion Action Plan 2024-2028 Enhancing Access: Cultivating Inclusion (DIAP) was endorsed by Council. This document builds on previous DIAPs and articulates a clear set of priority actions aimed at enhancing access and participation for all over the next four years. The document continues to support our vision to be recognised as both an advocate and champion for the rights of people with disability in our community. Council's resolve as an organisation is to do all we can to ensure residents are treated equally and respectfully and have opportunities to enjoy the benefits of full participation in a caring, proud, prosperous, and inclusive community.
The 2024-2028 DIAP was developed after extensive consultation with the Gunnedah Access Working Group, people with lived experience of disability and their carers, support organisations, government stakeholders and the broader community.
The DIAP is available in a full version, easy read version and text only version.
For more information on the DIAP and other access initiatives, please contact Council’s Community and Social Planner on 6740 2100 or email council@gunnedah.nsw.gov.au.
Name | Date added |
2024-2028 DisABILITY Inclusion Action Plan - Easy Read.pdf
3.85 MB |
04/09/2024 |
2024-2028 DisABILITY Inclusion Action Plan - Full Version.pdf
15.33 MB |
04/09/2024 |
2024-2028 DisABILITY Inclusion Action Plan - Text Version.pdf
685.67 KB |
04/09/2024 |