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Waste and Recyling

Waste and Recyling

Disposal of Soil

The Gunnedah Waste Management Facility holds an Environment Protection Licence (EPL 5940) issued by the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) to operate as a General Solid Waste (Putrescible) Landfill.

The EPL permits the acceptance, storage and/or disposal of a very specific set of waste types which refer to EPA’s ‘waste classifications’.

‘Soil’ or ‘Dirt’ are common names that customers use when seeking to deposit waste material at Landfills. To a lesser extent, names such as ‘Spoil’, ‘Clean Fill’, ‘Topsoil’ and ‘Gravel’ or combinations of these, may also be used by a customer to describe visually similar materials.

The EPA waste classifications for excavated materials are describe as the waste type in the below table or you can visit for information.

>> Download Gunnedah Shire Council Fact Sheet - Disposal of Soil

Virgin excavated natural material VENM Virgin Excavated Natural Material (VENM) that is not mixed with any other waste (clay, gravel, sand, soil and rock) and that (a) has been excavated from areas that are not contaminated, as the result of industrial, commercial, mining or agricultural activities, with manufactured chemicals and does not contain sulphidic ores or soils, or (b) consists of excavated natural materials that meet such criteria as may be approved by the EPA.
Soil (not contaminated or VENM)  SOIL Clay, sand or topsoil. Exclusions: contaminated soil and VENM 
Contaminated soil  CONT Soil that is contaminated either as a result of being mixed with building and demolition waste or as a result of previous land use activities and is not suitable for reuse. Excludes soil contaminated with asbestos.
Asbestos contaminated soil ASBSOIL Soil that is contaminated with asbestos waste and that consists predominantly of soil.
Dredging spoil* DSP Spoil from dredging activities. Dredging is defined as the excavation of natural material to provide and/or increase the dimensions of a waterway, or ensure that existing channels, berths or harbour works areas are maintained at their design specifications.

The waste classification depends on the location and type of site the material has come from.
All waste must comply with the general solid waste requirements of the NSW EPA Waste Classification Guidelines Part 1: Classifying waste. Waste generators need to follow the steps outlined until the waste classification has been identified. Transporters should also be aware of these requirements under the Classification Guidelines and Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2014. For further information please visit Part 1: Classifying waste


From 1 July 2018 Gunnedah Shire Council will be refining on how soil/dirt type waste is accepted at the Waste Management Facility:

  1. Virgin Excavated Natural Material (VENM) and Excavated Natural Material (ENM)
    Commercial contractors wishing to deposit VENM or ENM material MUST ensure that the soil has been appropriately classified in accordance with EPA requirements AND is accompanied by a Waste Classification Report prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced consultant and/or laboratory.
    The report must be forward to Council for consideration at least 1 week prior to disposal at

  2. Clean Fill
    Clean fill is primarily soil and rock / gravel that has emanated from minor excavation works at a residential property.
    Clean fill should not contain other visually obvious wastes such as concrete, brick, timber, plastics, metals, asphalts OR liquids such as herbicides, pesticides, fuels or oils.
    Residents wishing to deposit ‘Clean Fill’ must complete the Clean Fill Certification for Residential Permisis Form and provide this to the weighbridge attendant at the time that 'Clean Fill' is to be deposited at the waste facility.

If a load does not meet the above requirements, it may be possible, assuming the waste complies with EPA’s waste classification requisites as General Solid Waste (Non-Putrescible / Putrescible), that it can be received, charged and recorded as Domestic Waste – Non-Recyclable.

For further enquiries please call Karolina Mingay - Operations Supervisor - Waste services on (02) 6740 2100.

Soil (not contaminated or VENM) SOIL

Residential Premises: 'Clean fill' Certification from residential premises only

Commercial Requirements: Classification Report prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced consultant and/or laboratory which demonstrates that it meets the EPA Solid Waste Guidelines

No charge
Contaminated soil CONT

Residential Premises: Classification Report, prepared by an accredited organisation which demonstrates that it meets the EPA Solid Waste Guidelines

Commercial Requirements: Classification Report prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced consultant and/or laboratory which demonstrates that it meets the EPA Solid Waste Guidelines

Asbestos contaminated soil ASBSOIL More information can be found in the Asbestos section of our website. $141/tonne
Dredging spoil* DSP

Residential Premises: Classification Report prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced consultant and/or laboratory which demonstrates that it meets the EPA Solid Waste Guidelines

Commercial Requirements: Classification Report prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced consultant and/or laboratory which demonstrates that it meets the EPA Solid Waste Guidelines


*Please note:  The Gunnedah Waste Management Facility is not licensed to accept liquid waste or restricted waste. 

No sludge material will be accepted because this is classified as liquid waste if it meets the below definition.

Liquid waste means any waste (other than special waste) that includes any of the following:

  1. anything that:
    1. has an angle of repose of less than 5 degrees above horizontal, or spadeable
    2. becomes free-flowing at or below 60°C or when it is transported, or
    3. is generally not capable of being picked up by spade or shovel
  2. Anything that is classified as liquid waste pursuant to an EPA Gazettal notice.

It’s an offence to supply false or misleading information to another person, including information about the type, classification, characteristics, composition or quantity of waste under the POEO Act. Knowingly providing false information could result in both Council and YOU facing regulatory breaches for which there are significant penalties (fines) attached.

  • Ballina Shire Council
  • NSW EPA Waste Classification Guidelines
  • Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2014.
  • Logicus Environmental
  • NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA)
  • Solid Waste Management Guidelines 2016