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August Gunnedah Shire Council Meeting briefs

15 August, 2024

Motions for the 2024 Local Government NSW Annual Conference

Gunnedah Shire Council will submit six motions for consideration by the 2024 Local Government NSW Annual Conference on Sunday, 17 November, 2024 in Tamworth.

Councillors voted yesterday at their final Ordinary Meeting for this term to submit the following motions:

1. That LGNSW request that the NSW Government review the pension discount amounts so that they are more equitable and reflect current circumstances. That pension discounts are to be fully funded by the NSW Government and indexed annually by CPI to bring NSW in line with the other states.
2. That LGNSW request that the NSW Government provide a pool of funds out of which regional and rural local governments can apply for funds to support accessible public pools.
3. That LGNSW request that the NSW Government, as a matter of urgency, review obstetric services in Gunnedah and Tamworth with the aim of allowing women to give birth in their local area.
4. That the State Government call on the Federal Government to restore to Local Government the Federal Assistance Grants to 1% of federal taxation revenue.
5. That the State Government works with NSW councils to address the systemic funding issues that are giving rise to many councils continuing to seek large increases in general rates by way of Special Rate Variations, and that existing sources of funding provided to local government be reviewed and higher levels of funding be directed into ongoing operational support instead of competitive special purpose grants to assist councils to become financially sustainable.
6. That LGNSW rejects the NSW State Government Ministerial Statement of Expectations Order 2024 regarding establishing of targets and expectations for average development assessment timeframes for NSW local government councils without allocation of additional resourcing and funding or the targets will lead to unintended negative outcomes on development within local communities.


Council looks to support Community Fun Day

Council has moved to endorse $2,250 each year as a financial contribution towards the delivery of the NAIDOC Community Fun Day for the 2024-25, 2025-26 and 2026-27 financial years.

The NAIDOC Community Fun Day, organised by the Gunnedah NAIDOC Week Committee, has been postponed from NAIDOC Week in July to Sunday, 29 September in consideration of the cold weather impacts on Elders.

Gunnedah Shire Council has supported the Community Fun Day at Wolseley Park for more than 12 years.

The Council resolution to continue support for the event will be placed on public exhibition for 28 days, and can be viewed at


Council adopts disABILITY Inclusion Action Plan

Gunnedah Shire Council has adopted the Gunnedah Shire disABILITY Inclusion Action Plan 2024-2028.

The Gunnedah Shire DisABILITY Inclusion Action Plan 2024-2028 Enhancing Access: Cultivating Inclusion outlines the measures put in place to ensure people with disability can access general supports and services available in the community and can participate fully in the community.

The three versions of the plan – a text version, an easy-read version and the full version - include 10 objectives and 48 actions across four focus areas. The plans can be viewed at



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