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Keep in Touch

Keep in Touch

Building a stronger economy for your region - your input is needed

The NSW Government budget announcement earlier this year included a record investment of $1.3 billion to regional NSW through the Regional Growth Fund.

Gunnedah Shire Council is working with the NSW Government and neighbouring councils, Liverpool Plains Shire and Tamworth Regional Council, to develop Regional Economic Development Strategies (REDS) to ensure this investment is successful in growing business confidence, creating and encouraging business investment, maximising the potential for jobs growth and securing a strong future for the region.

The NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet’s Centre for Economic and Regional Development (CERD) has engaged specialist economic consultants Sapere Research Group to work with councils, communities, industries and businesses on the REDS in the region.

“An important component of the Regional Economic Development Strategy is to ensure that regional communities, business and industries have a say,” Gunnedah Shire Council’s Manager Economic Development Charlotte Hoddle said.

“As part of this process, Sapere Research Group is undertaking a survey of businesses and other stakeholders to support the development of REDS.

“I would urge you to participate in the survey as it is your chance to have your say in shaping the economic future of our region.”

Complete the Regional Economic Development Strategies Survey here.


Media Contact: Ashley Gardner 6740 2100.