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Arts North West Grant Writing Basics Workshop

10.00am Wednesday, 18 October 2017 | Smithurst Theatre

Tickets: $25.00

Arts Grant Writing Basics is a workshop offering handy tips and tricks to any individual or community organisation applying for arts grants.

The tools and techniques provided will increase your chance to win the support you need to get your great idea off the ground. Learn how to decode the application questions, summarise your project, prepare a justification and conquer your budget.

Executive Director of Arts North West, Caroline Downer has had more than 20 years of successful grant writing experience. Her workshops are interactive, hands-on and practical and are suitable for new submission writers or those requiring a refresher.

“Being able to ask those tricky questions and get the right answers in this grant writing workshop will be really beneficial for participants in fine tuning their applications which has become integral tool for community art organisations and regional artists” said Ms Downer.

These three hour workshops are $25 per person and include the workbook

Bookings can be made here: