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Section 356 Access Incentive Grant

The 2024/2025 Section 356 (Access Incentive) Small Grant program is currently open.

The grant program is aimed specifically at supporting businesses and community groups to enhance access within their premises. A small grant of up to $2,000 (GST exclusive) is made available to each successful applicant.

Project examples include changes to the internal fit out of premises to enhance manoeuvrability, access and safety people with temporary or permanent mobility challenges. Other projects might consider the installation of handrails near shopfront stairs, an access ramp to the business or shop front, redesign of hospitality collateral to appeal to a broader demographic (i.e., menus), seating for older customers in dressing rooms, enhanced interior lighting etc.

The Gunnedah Shire Missed Business Guide is a valuable resource to assist organisations and business to identify potential projects for funding. You can view the Missed Business Guide below.

For more information on the 2024/25 round contact Gunnedah Shire Council’s Community and Social Planner on (02) 6740 2100 or

Guidelines and Application forms can be accessed by clicking the links below:

Guidelines_S356-Access Incentive Grant_2024-2025.pdf

2024-2025 Application_S356-Access Incentive Grant - FILLABLE.pdf

2024-2025 Declaration S356-Access Incentive Grant - FILLABLE.pdf

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