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Swimming Pools

Swimming Pool Inspection Program

The New South Wales (NSW) Office of Local Government has recognised swimming pool safety as an important issue and in doing so has made significant amendments to the Swimming Pools Act 1992 (the Act). These amendments include Inspection fees and penalties, pool registration and certification and a requirement for local councils to develop a Swimming Pool Barrier Inspection Program. The aim of these changes is to reduce drowning and near drowning instances of children under the age of five.

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Swimming Pool Certificate of Compliance

These amendments also require homeowners with a swimming pool to obtain a Certificate of Compliance before renting or selling the property.

In NSW, the owners of properties with a swimming pool and/or a spa pool are required to register their pools and spas on the NSW Swimming Pool Register.

Additonally, before erecting or installing a new swimming pool homeowners must obtain either Development Consent and a Construction Certificate or a Complying Development Certificate.

Visit our Types of Approval page for more information on requirements before undertaking any development or building works.